The airflow created by an Ecofan can help you feel the heat from your wood stove up to 38% faster. Ecofans are designed to sit on top of a free standing wood stove and create their own electricity without using any household energy or batteries. The fan starts automatically when placed on top of a stove and adjusts its speed with the stove temperature. As the stove heats up, the Ecofan runs faster. As the stove cools down, the fan slows and automatically shuts off. The designs have evolved from the original Canadian invention to the current models to provide greater efficiency and maximum airflow.
Only the genuine Ecofan has been tested by representatives from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo. These tests have proven that using an Ecofan can reduce fuel usage up to 18%. This saving also translates into a reduction of particulate and carbon emissions. The use of an Ecofan not only saves you money, it helps the environment.
Ecofans use thermoelectric technology to convert a temperature difference into electricity. At the center of an Ecofan is a unique thermoelectric module. The patented Ecofan design creates a hot side and a cold side on the module and when this happens, a principle called the “Seebeck Effect” causes electrons to flow within the module and electricity is generated to operate the fan!
Heat Displacement: No Ecofan vs. With Ecofan